Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top 10 Valentine's Day Gadget Gifts for Gals

Err what? gadgets girls?? do they have anything in common..

Read this ...

Well was wondering why on earth am i reading all these articles once again Feb 14 is going to be just another day for me... trying to be emotional lol... anyways to all those deserving couples...wishing u deserving valentines day.


Anonymous said...

Self commitment is the best commitment!

senthil natarajan said...

hmm.... yes may be... who is this

Anonymous said...

//yes may be // - Im not "may be right"..Im confidently right!

// who is this //- You might have guessed by now,if you still have million dollar doubts,i will declare my FULL NAME in your space soon for a surprise.Happy guessing till then!

senthil natarajan said...

no clue

Anonymous said...

Its better u go worries will tell u the FULL NAME.Bye!