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The topic ‘inbha thunbham’ hmm… just wondering where to start…?
Ok will start with one of the part time job I did while doing my masters… used to get up at 4 in the morning and cycle 3-4 kms and do a cleaning job… yes! a cleaning job… man it used to be painful… I guess nawaz will be able to relate to…coz we both used to go together…
The schedule was something like this… wake up at 4 - 4:30, put on our gears (oldest possible dress and a helmet) and cycle to the work place (building meant for refugees)…used to sign in and start work at 6 in the morning. Trust me it was not easy, being tall has its own disadvantages, I had to clean the ceiling… ok anyways… we used to do this till 3 in the afternoon (of course with a lunch break in between). Then cycle back home have a nice shower and go to university at 17:30 … university used to be till 21:30, come home , cook something, eat, sleep and wake up at 4 again… wat is ‘inbham’ in this??? Money getting credited every week…
The next would be working night shift in 7-11… though it was not as tiring as the cleaning job, but it was boring and you were not supposed to sit down whole through the night… you can find my 7-11 experience
here… actually was wondering what n all part time I have done while at aus
Dish washing
Distributing junk mail
Worked in 7 – 11
Worked in a sri lankan shop
Worked in Australian post
In a way, I feel that these things actually make you both physically n mentally strong..
Of course my list will always have the lovely ssn days… man those were the days of my life… those were the days of ssn…sigh!
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